Contemporary Award: Roy & Donice Applequist

(Pictured: Hank Kummer, Hannah (Applequist) Kummer, and John Quinley, Board Past-Chair)

The Applequist family has been a long-time supporter of the Foundation starting with the Q.A. Applequist Family Foundation as a founding donor in 1999. Since then, Roy and Donice established The Applequist Family Donor Advised Fund in 2012, where they have quietly made a mark in our community and other causes close to their hearts.

Their quiet leadership is an example for others and has had a ripple effect on the next generation. Starting in 2016, all three of their children established their own donor advised funds, with the intent that someday those funds will be managed by their children, or nieces and nephews. This ripple effect will continue to make a mark on the community for generations to come.