Foundation Funds
Endowed funds produce charitable income every year and help donors create a legacy of giving.
Click on the different fund types to learn more about each type and which funds are held at the Foundation.
Administrative Funds
Administrative Funds enable to foundation to fulfill its mission and to provide long-term sustainability to the organization. The Foundation was established over 20 years ago with a $2.9 administrative endowment funded by over 100 founding donors. That initial endowment continues to grow ensuring the Community Foundation will be here forever to impact today, and transform tomorrow!
Administrative Funds
- Greater Salina Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund
Designated Funds
Designated funds provide a permanent sources of income to support your favorite charities even long after you are gone.
Current Designated Funds
- Don & Evelyn Amend Fund
- Nicholas C. & Mary Arnoldy Family Fund
- Ted & Almita Augustine Fund
- Back to School Fair Fund
- R.W. & Nancy Bowen Fund
- Robert & Aileen Button Fund
- Max P. & Ina Belle Christian Fund
- Brookville Community Foundation Legacy Fund
- Connect the Dots Fund
- O.J. & Norma Cooper Fund
- CPRF Community Mobility Fund for Cloud, Ellis, Russell & Saline Counties
- Shirley M. Drawbaugh Fund
- H. Alden & Mary E. Flanders Fund
- Jeanne & George Frisbie Fund for Gypsum United Methodist Church
- Tex & Betty Fury Fund
- Tex & Betty Fury Designated Fund For Bethany College
- Gordon & Mary Anne Gardiner Fund
- Dale W. & Ruth S. Geisen Fund
- Raymond & Dorothy Goering Fund
- Good Citizenship Award Fund
- William H. Graves Scout Service Center Building Fund
- Paul Ellison Fund
- George & Jeanne Frisbie Family Fund
- Arlo R. Gruenthal Fund for the United Way
- Gloria Hagan Fund
- Ken Hakoda Endowed Conductor Chair Fund
- Historic Masonic Temple Preservation Fund
- Bill J. Hopper Family Fund
- Harry H. & Sara W. Huber Fund
- In Memory of Julie Ann Jensen
- Harry J. & Ann Lee Jett Fund
- Maynard & Letty Jones Fund
- Kansas Health Foundation Operating Fund for GSCF
- A. Byrne & Margaret E. Kelley Fund
- Bill & Pat Knox Family Fund
- Phil & Glenda Krug Fund
- KWU Student volunteerism & Service to Salina Community Fund
- Leadership Fund
- Leadership Project Fund for Children
- Lyle & Anna Lightfoot Fund
- Lyle & Anna Lightfoot Fund for the Animal Shelter
- Livingston Fund
- The Loader Family Fund
- Wilfred & Florence Loux Fund
- Love Family Library Fund
- A. Wayne Lowen Fund
- Dorothy B. Main Family Fund
- Match Madness Fund
- Betty May Library Fund
- Rex R. & Wilma Jean McArthur Fund
- Stephen E. McDowell Fund
- Robert F. Miller Fund for Christ Cathedral
- George F. Mullen Fund
- Verna Myers Fund
- Wendell K. Nickell & Waitstill B. Nickell Fund
- Kathryn Nuss Fund
- Partners 4 Success Fund
- The Pathway to Hope Fund- Supports the needs of the homeless through Ashby House.
- Patricia A. Perry Fund
- Joy D. Peterson Memorial Fund
- Ronald & Elizabeth Prielipp Fund
- Gordon & Mary Reist Fund
- Raymond W. Richardson & Virginia M. Richardson Fund
- James E. Roderick & Nancy A. Roderick Fund
- Sassy & Foxie Rogers by Celestine Rogers Fund
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Church Operations Fund
- St. Mary's Grade School Endowment Fund
- St. Mary's Queen of the Universe Catholic Church Fund
- Sacred Heart Jr/Sr High School Endowment Fund
- Salina Animal Shelter
- Salina Economic Development Corporation Fund
- Salina Initiative for Restorative Justice Fund
- Salina Meals on Wheels Fund
- Salina Municipal Band Fund
- Saline County Dept. of Senior Services
- Marie S. Schmidt Fund
- Laddie & Wanda Schrock Fund
- Doris & Al Schwan Charitable Fund
- Irene M. Schweitzer Symphony Fund
- Sculpture Tour Salina Fund
- Sculpture Tour Salina Pass Through Fund
- Mike & Carol Ann Sloo Fund
- Smoky Hill River Festival Legacy Fund
- Stein Family Fund for St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Church
- Teen Town, Inc. Pass Through Fund
- Kenneth C. & Geraldine Stephenson Fund
- Lori Supinie Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Tricentennial Fund
- Donna L. Vanier Fund
- Weibert Family-Decatur County Feed Yard Fund
- J.E. & Pearl Weiss Fund for First Presbyterian Church
- J.E. & Pearl Weiss Fund for Salina Regional Health Foundation
- J.E. & Pearl Weiss Fund for St. John’s Lutheran Church
- Sally & Norman Wilkinson Fund
- Wings Over Salina Air Museum Fund
- Young Women Athletic Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Donor advised funds are a simple and flexible "charitable savings account" that let you decide when and where to give.
Current Donor Advised Funds
- The A Fund
- James R. Allen Family Fund
- Eric & Bonnie Anderson Family Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Anonymous Fund
- Applequist Family Fund
- Gustaf & Hannah Applequist Fund
- Mark & Becky Augustine Fund
- Ted & Almita Augustine Fund
- Mark & Jane Berkley Family Fund
- Mike Berkley Fund
- Paul D. & Jo Ann Berkley Fund
- Robert B. & Lila A. Berkley Fund
- Rose & Elton Bloomberg Fund
- Brookville Community Foundation Fund
- Dick & Joyce Brown Fund
- Kim E. & Conee Brown Fund
- Buyse Family Donor Advised Fund
- The Chambers Loader Fund
- Davidson Family Fund
- Todd & Mindi Davidson Fund
- John & Deborah Divine Fund
- Linda L. Ellison Fund
- Charles L. & Kathleen A. Elsea Family Fund
- Exline Employee Charitable Fund
- Flaherty Family Fund
- Fried-Stuewe Donor Advised Fund
- George & Jeanne Frisbie Family Fund
- Betty Glatt Fund
- Helen L. Graves Fund
- Gypsum Valley Community Foundation Fund
- H & B Enterprises Fund
- Frank & Izzy Hampton Fund
- Leon K. & Judy Hannebaum Fund
- William J. & Ada Mae Harbin Fund
- Ted & Doris Harder Fund
- Todd and Tara Herrenbruck Family Fund
- Phil & Sally Hemmer Fund
- Tom & Maggie Hemmer Fund
- Heritage Real Estate Advisors Charitable Fund
- Emily Sophia Howie Legacy Fund
- John & Gig Jones Fund
- The KASA Companies, Inc. Charitable Fund
- Jeff & Paula Knox Family Fund
- Robert B. & Debra A. Korbelik Fund
- Kummer Family Fund
- The Keith H. Lauer & Alice Nadene Lauer Family Fund
- LoVullo Family Fund
- Jack* & Ann Ludwig
- The Donald L. and Helen E. Lund Fund
- Eloise Hodgson Lynch Charitable Fund
- Frieda J. Mai Fund
- Matt & Brenda Family Fund
- Maurice & Gladys Olson McDonald Fund
- Gayle & Jane McMillan Fund
- Peggy & Bill Medina Family Fund
- Mildred & Rolland Middlekauff Foundation Fund
- Mark L. & Julie Sager Miller Fund
- The Morgan Family Fund
- Mike & Cheryl Murray Fund
- Daran & Kendra Neuschafer Family Fund
- Maurice & Gladys Olson McDonald Fund
- Tom & Denise Peebles Fund
- Pete & Rita Peterson Fund*
- J. Milton Pilcher Fund
- Tom & Katie Platten Fund
- John & Margaret Presley Fund
- Rauchholz Family Fund
- Sid & Susy Reitz Fund*
- Dick & Toni Renfro Fund*
- Tyler J. Ritter Legacy Fund
- Rupe Family Fund
- Steve Ryan Fund*
- Bob & Linda Salem Fund*
- Darwin L. & Delma M. Sampson Fund
- Matt & Rita Shaffer
- David E. & Linda L. Smith Fund
- Dwight W & Barbara L Smith Fund
- Keith & Gloria Snow Fund
- Sound Garden Fund at Oakdale Park for Janice Pankratz
- Southeastern of Saline County Foundation Fund
- Elizabeth, Harry & McDowell Steele Fund
- Robert & Connie Stewart Fund*
- Lawrence & Anna Streit Family Fund
- Karl & Connie Stutterheim Fund
- Galen G. Swenson Fund
- Col. Delbert Townsend Fund
- Tom & Shelda Vandervoort Family Fund
- Charles W. Walker Fund
- Mark & Carolyn Wedel Fund
- George & Margaret Yarnevich Fund*
- Norm & Kristy Yenkey Fund
- Lee E. & Christine Young Fund
- Loren & Sara Young Family Fund
*These funds are temporary/non-endowed funds.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds respond to current and future needs by letting you support a specific cause or geographic area rather than a specific charity. Grants are determined by a committee.
Field of Interest Funds Fact Sheet
Current Field of Interest Funds
Assaria Community Foundation Fund
Supports charitable projects in Assaria, KS.
Brookville Community Foundation Fund
Supports charitable projects in Brookville, KS
Child Care Workforce Development Fund*
Supports Saline County child care workforce initiative
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund*
Provides grants for arts, education, health/human services, community beautification, environmental projects, and intergenerational projects.
Decatur Community Education Fund
Supports various school programs and capital needs for students in USD 294.
Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education & Development
Supports programs that prepare children for Kindergarten in Saline & Ottawa Counties.
George & Jeanne Frisbie Fund
Provide basic needs or educational opportunities for underserved populations, including but not limited to, underserved and at-risk youth and teens aging out of foster care.
Gypsum Valley Community Foundation Fund
Supports charitable projects in Gypsum, KS
Kansas Health Foundation Fund for GSCF
Provides annual grants for public health needs.
L.P. “Pat” Mullen Fund
Supports youth education in two fields of interest: arts and humanities and science, technology and invention.
PET Project Fund
Makes annual grants to community projects designated by young donors through Foundation sponsored programs.
Salina Youth Baseball Fund
Provides support for individual players who may not otherwise be able to participate in local baseball leagues and tournaments due to lack of funds for things such as equipment, uniforms and fees.
Rob Schorling Memorial Fund
Provides assistance to families who are dealing with diagnosis and treatment of leukemia.
Sunflower Bank Softball Showcase Fund
Offers support for the annual showcase for girls who may not otherwise be able to afford to participate.
Triplett Inc. Employee Assistance Fund
Helps employees with unforeseen and critical family needs.
Women Helping Women Fund
Provides emergency grants for women in need.
YW Legacy Fund
Established after the closing of the YWCA in Salina, this fund makes grants based on the mission of the YWCA.
*These funds are temporary/non-endowed funds.
Funds for the Future
Current Funds for the Future
The following donors have chosen to make a permanent gift at the end of their lifetime through their will or trust.
- Jim & Adrienne Allen Family Fund
- Dana & Sue* Anderson
- Anonymous Donor(s)
- Avatar Fellowship & Scholarship Fund(s)
- Penny Beans
- Lila Berkley
- Suzanne Blakey
- Craig & Lorelle Boxler
- Larry Britegam
- Dick & Joyce Brown
- The Brown Family Fund
- Mike & Stephanie Carlin
- Bill & Ruth Cathcart-Rake
- Mike & Brenda Cloutier
- Dale & Beverly Cole
- Ken & Karen Ebert
- Linda Ellison
- Rob & Kelli Exline
- Rick & Janet Fisher
- Jeff & Lynn Gillam
- Dean & Betty Groves
- Arlo R*., Louise* & Mark A. Gruenthal
- John & Kristin Gunn
- Ted* & Doris Harder
- Randy & Lynda Hassler
- Helping Hands Fund
- Brenda Hemmer
- Matt Hemmer
- Tom & Maggie Hemmer
- Linda Jensen
- Phyllis Johnson
- John & Gig Jones
- Elizabeth Keating
- Marcia Klingzell
- Bill & Pat* Knox
- Lewis* & Barbara Kollhoff
- John A. Komarek
- Randy and Cathy Krug Fund
- Russ Lamer
- Tamra Lamer
- David Martin
- The Melissa & Casey McCoy Fund
- Jack* & Tess McKnight
- Bill & Peggy* Medina
- Mark & Julie Miller
- Miracles With a Purpose Fund
- Jake Mitchell
- Stan & Sandra Mitchell
- Trey & Kim Mowery
- Myrna Muir
- The Rita Northup Fund
- Dennis & Martha Oakes
- J.J. and Tammy O'Connor
- Brenda O’Gorman
- Ann Parr
- N.M. & Norma Jean Patton
- Bob & Cindy Peck Family Fund
- Pete & Rita Peterson
- Eep & Jane Peuchen
- Barbara Pierce
- Bob* & Karel Purdy
- Steve* & Joyce Roe
- Rex & Carol Romeiser
- Randy & Julie Rowe
- Ramon & Glenda Schmidt
- Warren & Margaret Schmidt
- Robert & Lori Schrock
- Douglas Schwan
- The Marie L. Scott Fund
- Mike & Carol Sloo
- Boyd & Heather Smith
- Brenda Smith
- David & Linda Smith
- Keith & Gloria Snow
- Dan & Jenny Stack
- Elizabeth*, Harry*, and McDowell Steele
- Connie Stevens
- Ann Swenson
- Cheryl & Fred Tepe
- Ron & Kathleen Tremblay
- Linda Tuller
- Charles & Elaine H. Waddle
- Mike & Penny Walker
- Trace & Cindy Walker
- David Wedel & Pilar LaPointe Fund
- Bonnie Welty
- James A. & Sherryl L. Zoltenko
* Indicates deceased
Organization Funds
Organization Funds offer a simple and efficient way for your nonprofit to build capacity and provide long-term support for your mission.
Current Organization Funds
Arts & Culture
- Central Kansas Flywheels Museum Fund
- Friends of the Smoky Hill Museum Fund
- Kansas Museums Association Fund
- Salina Art Center Fund
- Salina Arts & Humanities Foundation Fund
- Salina Education Automobile Museum of America, DBA The Garage Fund
- Salina Public Library Fund
- Salina Symphony Fund
- St. John's Military School Historical Museum Fund
- Stiefel Theatre-Performing Arts Foundation Fund
- Theatre Salina Fund
Community Development
- Community Housing Development Corp of Central KS
- North Salina Community Development, Inc. Fund
- Salina Economic Development Corporation Fund
Conservation & Environment
- Friends of the River Foundation Fund
- The Land Institute Fund
- The Nature Conservancy in Kansas Fund
- Rolling Hills Refuge Wildlife Conservation Center Fund
- Bethany College Fund
- Cornerstone Classical School Fund
- Kansas Music Educators Association Fund
- Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus Fund
- Kansas Wesleyan University Foundation Fund
- KU School of Medicine Fund
- Salina Area Technical College Fund
- Salina Education Foundation Fund
- Smoky Hill Education Service Center Fund
Faith & Religion
- Belmont Boulevard Christian Church Fund
- Christ the King Lutheran Church Fund
- Church of the Cross Fund
- First Baptist Church Fund
- First Presbyterian Church of Salina Fund
- The Harvester Foundation Fund
- Rolling Hills United Church of Christ Fund
- St. John's Missionary Baptist Church Fund
- Salina First United Methodist Church Fund
- Salina Heights Christian Church Fund
- Salina Sunrise Presbyterian Church Fund
- Trinity Lutheran Church Fund
- Trinity United Methodist Church Fund
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Endowment Fund
- University United Methodist Church
- Webster Conference Center
- A Work In Progress Fund
- Central Kansas Mental Health Center Fund
- CKF Addiction Treatment Fund
- Osborne County Memorial Hospital Fund
- Prairieland Market Fund
- Revive Community Fund
- Salina Family Healthcare Center Fund
- Salina Regional Health Foundation Fund
Human Services
- Access Foundation of Kansas (OCCK) Fund
- Ambucs, Salina A.M. Chapter Fund
- American Red Cross Central Western Kansas Chapter Fund
- Ashby House, Ltd., Fund
- At Stake Ministries Fund
- Bethany Home Association Fund
- Birthright of Salina Fund
- Build A Pro Fund
- Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas Fund
- Child Advocacy & Parenting Services (CAPS) Fund
- Child Care Aware of Kansas Fund
- Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK) Fund
- Independent Connection Fund
- Love, Chloe Foundation Fund
- Noon Network AMBUCS Fund
- Packages for Warriors-Hearts of America, Inc. Fund
- Pregnancy Service Center Fund
- Saint Francis Community Services Fund
- Salina Area United Way Fund
- Salina Emergency Aid Food Bank Fund
- Salina Family YMCA Foundation Fund
- Salina Grace Fund
- Salina Presbyterian Manor
- Salina Rescue Mission Fund
- Salina Shares Fund
- Saline County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol & Rescue Squad Fund
- Salvation Army (Salina) Fund
- Sunflower Adult Day Services Fund
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina
- Boys & Girls Club of Salina
- Boy Scouts of America, Coronado Area Council Fund
- Cornerstone Classical School Fund
- The First Tee of Saline County Fund
- Girl Scouts of Central Kansas Fund
- Kansas Youth Sports Fund
- KIAAA Greg Gordon Family Endowment Fund
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Child Development Center Fund
- Nex-Generation Round Up for Youth Fund Fund
- Salina Area Young Life Fund
- Salina Babe Ruth Fund
- Salina Child Care Association Fund
- Saline County 4-H Development Fund
- Teen Town, Inc. (The City) Fund
- USD 305 Heartland- Head Start Fund
Provisional (Project) Funds
Provisional Funds serve as a short-term vehicle to collect charitable donations for a community project, such as a public-private partnership.
Current Provisional Funds
- Brookville Fire Station Fund
- Brookville Park Provisional Fund
- Salina Kanvas Mural & Street Art Fund Project
- Salina Net Generation
- Wings Over Salina Museum Air Fund
Scholarship Funds
Scholarship Funds support student education and impact our future leaders.
We offer two different scholarship fund options for donors based on their interest and budget. Designated Scholarship Funds partner with schools and other nonprofits to facilitate the process, whereas the Community Foundation manages the process, start to finish for Traditional Scholarship Funds.
Current Scholarship Funds- Designated
- Barragree Fund for First Baptist Church
- Cheryl Collins Legacy Scholarship
- Joyce L. Brown Scholarship
- Henry S. Dreher Fund for Excellence
- Focus on the Future Foundation
- The Bill Grevas Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Matt Hagny No-Till Scholarship Foundation
- Kansas Junior Golf Scholarship
- Mike & Mable Kelling Scholarship
- Evelyn R. King National Honor Society Scholarship
- KU School of Nursing-Salina Campus Nursing Scholarship
- The Chris Parker Scholarship Fund
- John Forest & Alfra J. Schmidt Ritter Humanitarian Award
- The Salina Family Healthcare Center Scholarship Fund
- St. John's Military School Scholarship Fund in Memory of Tom Orton
Current Scholarship Funds- Traditional
- Wally Beets – John Marino Scholarship Fund
- Richard & Lou Ann Bergen Scholarship in the Creative Arts Scholarship Fund
- Betts Family Scholarship Fund
- Kurt Budke Scholarship Fund
- C. L. Clark Scholarship Fund
- Coyne Family Scholarship Fund
- Frances E. Curtis NAACP Scholarship Fund
- Decatur Community Scholarship Fund
- Donald A. Smischny Educator Scholarship
- Erik Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund
- First Bank Kansas Scholarship Fund
- Jody & Doyle Fredrickson Nursing & Health Scholarship Fund
- David E. Freeland Accounting and Business Administration Scholarship Fund
- Linda K. Freeland Early Childhood Education Scholarship Fund
- Jeanne & George Frisbie Scholarship Fund
- Brian Clarke Garnett Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Hale Family Sunflower Promise Scholarship Fund
- Kansas Federation of Republican Women Scholarship Fund
- David A. & M. Marguerite Parker Scholarship Fund
- Jeanne B. Marts Scholarship Fund
- Orpha J. & Ernest Milbradt Scholarship Fund
- Glenn L. & Edna M. Mott Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Marcella Dowling Oakes Art Scholarship Fund
- Alma Olson & Michael T. Olson Scholarship Fund
- Mary Olson & Viola Olson Gustafson Scholarship Fund
- Gayle & Evelyn Richmond Scholarship Fund
- Alice A. Riggs Ell-Saline, K-State Scholarship Fund
- Emily E. Shobe Memorial Art Scholarship Fund
- Tetlow-Downs Community Scholarship Fund
- Col. Delbert Townsend Scholarship Fund
- Larry & Millie Triplett Scholarship Fund
- Booker T. Washington Scholarship Fund
- Florence Evelyn Westhoff Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted Funds
Unrestricted Funds help meet current and future needs of our community. Grants are determined by the GSCF grants committee.
Current Unrestricted Funds
- Don Diekhoff Fund
- Fund for Greater Salina